Amy Hazelton

Amy Hazelton's Fundraiser

We can send local kids to camp image

We can send local kids to camp

Help make a great summer possible for kids who need it most

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$435 towards $1,000

Please join me in supporting what I believe is one of the most important causes in our community. Every year the YMCA is able to provide many children in our community with the amazing opportunity to attend summer camp either free of charge or at a reduced rate. But they cannot do this alone, it is also very much dependent on the generosity of others in our community who are able to make contributions. In addition to generosity, I believe that it is our responsibility, and honor, to help make this happen for those in our community that need assistance. These families are our neighbors, our children's classmates, and our future babysitters, teachers, doctors, etc.

Summer is suppose to be about fun when your a child, not stress or loneliness. Please help us provide these children with the opportunity to experience the fun, friendship, and confidence that awaits them at our Great South Bay YMCA summer camp. This is a life changing experience that we can facilitate together, and no amount is too small. Thank you!

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for the Great South Bay YMCA before summer kicks-off.